Module Environment

module Environment: sig .. end

type typvar = 
type t 

APRON Environments binding dimensions to names

val make : Var.t array -> Var.t array -> t

Making an environment from a set of integer and real variables. Raise Failure in case of name conflict.

val add : t -> Var.t array -> Var.t array -> t

Adding to an environment a set of integer and real variables. Raise Failure in case of name conflict.

val remove : t -> Var.t array -> t

Remove from an environment a set of variables. Raise Failure in case of non-existing variables.

val rename : t -> Var.t array -> Var.t array -> t

Renaming in an environment a set of variables. Raise Failure in case of interferences with the variables that are not renamed.

val rename_perm : t -> Var.t array -> Var.t array -> t * Dim.perm

Similar to previous function, but returns also the permutation on dimensions induced by the renaming.

val lce : t -> t -> t

Compute the least common environment of 2 environment, that is, the environment composed of all the variables of the 2 environments. Raise Failure if the same variable has different types in the 2 environment.

val lce_change : t ->
t -> t * Dim.change option * Dim.change option

Similar to the previous function, but returns also the transformations required to convert from e1 (resp. e2) to the lce. If None is returned, this means that e1 (resp. e2) is identic to the lce.

val dimchange : t -> t -> Dim.change

dimchange e1 e2 computes the transformation for converting from an environment e1 to a superenvironment e2. Raises Failure if e2 is not a superenvironment.

val dimchange2 : t -> t -> Dim.change2

dimchange2 e1 e2 computes the transformation for converting from an environment e1 to a (compatible) environment e2, by first adding (some) variables of e2 and then removing (some) variables of e1. Raises Failure if the two environments are incompatible.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Test equality if two environments

val compare : t -> t -> int

Compare two environment. compare env1 env2 return -2 if the environments are not compatible (a variable has different types in the 2 environments), -1 if env1 is a subset of env2, 0 if equality, +1 if env1 is a superset of env2, and +2 otherwise (the lce exists and is a strict superset of both)

val hash : t -> int

Hashing function for environments

val dimension : t -> Dim.dimension

Return the dimension of the environment

val size : t -> int

Return the size of the environment

val mem_var : t -> Var.t -> bool

Return true if the variable is present in the environment.

val typ_of_var : t -> Var.t -> typvar

Return the type of variables in the environment. If the variable does not belong to the environment, raise a Failure exception.

val vars : t -> Var.t array * Var.t array

Return the (lexicographically ordered) sets of integer and real variables in the environment

val var_of_dim : t -> Dim.t -> Var.t

Return the variable corresponding to the given dimension in the environment. Raise Failure is the dimension is out of the range of the environment (greater than or equal to dim env)

val dim_of_var : t -> Var.t -> Dim.t

Return the dimension associated to the given variable in the environment. Raise Failure if the variable does not belong to the environment.

val print : ?first:(unit, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
?sep:(unit, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
?last:(unit, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit) Stdlib.format ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
