(version 0.9.10)Scalar | |
Interval | |
Coeff |
Manager | |
Box | Intervals abstract domain |
Oct | |
Polka | |
Ppl | Convex Polyhedra and Linear Congruences abstract domains (PPL wrapper) |
PolkaGrid | Reduced product of NewPolka polyhedra and PPL grids |
Var | |
Environment | |
Linexpr1 | |
Lincons1 | |
Generator1 | |
Texpr1 | |
Tcons1 | |
Abstract1 | |
Parser | APRON Parsing of expressions |
Dim | |
Linexpr0 | |
Lincons0 | |
Generator0 | |
Texpr0 | |
Tcons0 | |
Abstract0 |
Mpz | |
Mpq | |
Mpf | |
Mpfr | |
Gmp_random | |
Mpzf | GMP multi-precision integers, functional version |
Mpqf | GMP multi-precision rationals, functional version |
Mpfrf | MPFR multi-precision floating-point version, functional version |