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Linear constraints of level 0 (ap_lincons0.h)

datatype: ap_constyp_t
typedef enum ap_constyp_t {
  AP_CONS_EQ,    /* equality constraint */
  AP_CONS_SUPEQ, /* >= constraint */
  AP_CONS_SUP,   /* > constraint */
  AP_CONS_EQMOD, /* congruence equality constraint */
  AP_CONS_DISEQ  /* disequality constraint */
} ap_constyp_t;

Datatype for type of constraints.

datatype: ap_lincons0_t
typedef struct ap_lincons0_t {
  ap_linexpr0_t* linexpr0;   /* expression */
  ap_constyp_t constyp;      /* type of constraint */
  ap_scalar_t* scalar;       /* maybe NULL.

				For EQMOD constraint, indicates the
				modulo */
} ap_lincons0_t;

Datatype for constraints.

Constraints are meant to be manipulated freely via their components. Creating the constraint [1,2]x0 + 5/2x1 >=0 and then freeing it can be done with

ap_lincons0_t cons = ap_lincons0_make(AP_CONS_SUPEQ,
		     AP_COEFF_I_INT, 1,2, 0,
		     AP_COEFF_S_FRAC, 5,2, 1,
datatype: ap_lincons0_array_t
typedef struct ap_lincons0_array_t {
  ap_lincons0_t* p;
  size_t size;
} ap_lincons0_array_t;

Datatype for arrays of constraints.

Arrays are accessed directly, for example by writing array->p[i] (of type ap_lincons0_t), array->p[i].constyp and array->p[i].linexpr0.

One can assign a constraint to the index index by writing: array->p[index] = ap_lincons0_make(constyp,expr).

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Allocating linear constraints of level 0

Function: ap_lincons0_t ap_lincons0_make (ap_constyp_t constyp, ap_linexpr0_t* linexpr, ap_scalar_t* mod)

Create a constraint of type constyp with the expression linexpr, and the modulo mod in case of a congruence constraint (constyp==AP_CONS_EQMOD).

The expression is not duplicated, just pointed to, so it becomes managed via the constraint.

Function: ap_lincons0_t ap_lincons0_make_unsat ()

Create the constraint -1>=0.

Function: ap_lincons0_t ap_lincons0_copy (ap_lincons0_t* cons)


Function: void ap_lincons0_clear (ap_lincons0_t* cons)

Clear the constraint.

Function: void ap_lincons0_fprint (FILE* stream, ap_lincons0_t* cons, char** name_of_dim);

Print the linear constraint on stream stream, using the array name_of_dim to convert dimensions to variable names. If name_of_dim is NULL, the dimensions are named x0,x1,....

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Tests on linear constraints of level 0

Function: bool ap_lincons0_is_unsat (ap_lincons0_t* cons)

Return true if the constraint is not satisfiable.

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Arrays of linear constraints of level 0

Function: ap_lincons0_array_t ap_lincons0_array_make (size_t size)

Allocate an array of size constraints.

The constraints are initialized with NULL pointers for underlying expressions.

Function: void ap_lincons0_array_clear (ap_lincons0_array_t* array)

Clear the constraints of the array, and then the array itself.

Function: void ap_lincons0_array_fprint (FILE* stream, ap_lincons0_array_t* array, char** name_of_dim)

Print the array on the stream.

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Change of dimensions and permutations of linear constraints of level 0

Function: void ap_lincons0_add_dimensions_with (ap_lincons0_t* cons, ap_dimchange_t* dimchange)
Function: ap_lincons0_t ap_lincons0_add_dimensions (ap_lincons0_t* cons, ap_dimchange_t* dimchange)

These two functions add dimensions to the constraint, following the semantics of dimchange (see the type definition of ap_dimchange_t).

Function: void ap_lincons0_permute_dimensions_with (ap_lincons0_t* cons, ap_dimperm_t* perm)
Function: ap_lincons0_t ap_lincons0_permute_dimensions (ap_lincons0_t* cons, ap_dimperm_t* perm)

These two functions apply the given permutation to the dimensions of cons.

Function: void ap_lincons0_array_add_dimensions_with (ap_lincons0_array_t* cons, ap_dimchange_t* dimchange)
Function: ap_lincons0_array_t ap_lincons0_array_add_dimensions (ap_lincons0_array_t* cons, ap_dimchange_t* dimchange)
Function: void ap_lincons0_array_permute_dimensions_with (ap_lincons0_array_t* cons, ap_dimperm_t* perm)
Function: ap_lincons0_array_t ap_lincons0_array_permute_dimensions (ap_lincons0_array_t* cons, ap_dimperm_t* perm)

Extension to arrays of the corresponding functions on constraints.

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